Letter to Obama
Dear President Obama,
Watching your web address last weekend, I could not help but notice your struggle to stay patient with the message of fairness and accuracy in facts relating to the health care debate. Thank-you for your patience with our obstinate nation. Thank-you for your humbleness even in the face of deeply prideful attacks. Thank-you for your equanimity in the midst of seemingly constant crisis. You have embodied these noble traits admirably in your first months as President, as you did throughout your campaign.
It is precisely that embodiment which makes me cry out to you, "You know better!" You are not only in a position to bring deeper change to this country than anyone else, you are eminently capable of doing so. That makes every passing week when you do not all the more frustrating for me as a fellow reformer. Based on the work of Peter Dunlap, I would like to provide a context for you to do the important work of helping to elevate our national consciousness. You are in a unique position to perform this work, based both on your position of power and your special, highly developed level of emotional intelligence.
Dunlap writes in "Awakening Our Faith in the Future" that a progressive political leader is most effective when he realizes his "capacity for destiny". He defines capacity for destiny as the process in which a felt sense of the future transforms a leader's experience from a passively lived experience of that future into an actively created one. Your autobiography indicates that your time as a community organizer helped you to realize your own capacity for destiny. During and since that time you have brought into the political arena an awareness of and commitment to the notion that we live in a society which places too much emphasis on individual liberty and too little on collective responsibility to each other. Your policies have been based on a commitment to fairness and equality that invoke that belief from taxes to health care to international relations. Your first day in office you placed our nation's morality on a pedestal where we could be proud of it by beginning the process of closing Guantanamo Bay. I have hope that you will continue to both guide us in a more moral direction, one which brings more people into the sphere of freedom and privilege which modernity has granted many in our country, and to make us aware of what that direction is.
You have, to a greater extent than your predecessors, gone through this discernment process already. Dunlap quotes Stephen Daedalus in Joyce's Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man in describing this process as one during which: "Within the smithy of my soul I create the uncreated future of my soul." It is apparent that you have undergone such a process in your own soul. That apparency gives me hope and expectation that you will carry the lessons forged in your soul outward to the rest of the nation. The capabilities and awarenesses that you have gained by submitting your soul to this forging process have given you an emotional intelligence previously seen only in Abraham Lincoln among American Presidents.
That emotional intelligence also gives you a greater responsibility in dealing with the problems you encounter as a leader. It compels you to transcend the status quo in reaching for transformative solutions. Because of your capacity for analyzing the psyche of America on a deeper level than previous Presidents you have and must make use of that enhanced capacity by enacting policies that will be in line with the highest ideals of that psyche. Simultaneously you must engage the public in a dialog about the process in a way that will support and cultivate a heightened awareness on the part of the electorate. These are immense challenges, but as I have noted, there is reason to have confidence in your abilities. Americans associate your election most closely with the word "hope", which contradicts the conventional wisdom that politics is the art of the possible, and suggests we can achieve such lofty goals with your leadership.
Do you need a starting point from which to begin this challenging national dialog? I suggest a poem that Dunlap quotes by Rainer Marie Rilke in passing along the wisdom that:
"You must give birth to your images
They are the future waiting to be born.
Fear not the strangeness you feel
The future must enter into you long before it happens
Just wait for the birth, for the hour of new clarity." (2007)
You have the capacity to act as midwife for the images of a nation, the embodied ideals that we have only dared glimpse in our minds. Right now, however, you are demonstrating a great fear of the strangeness you feel. You are allowing the strictures of conventional wisdom to fetter both your policies and your messages. The strangeness that you felt towards advocating for a single-payer health care system got in the way of that proposal. The strangeness crept in once again when it came to releasing photos of detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan and you placed priority on appeasement over justice. Now is the time to step up and put those fears aside, to engage the nation in genuine, honest and progressive dialog about what is truly necessary for us to embody the generosity and balance that our era requires from us.
"Kairos" is a Greek word meaning "right moment", classically the right moment for a metamorphosis of the goals and fundamental principles and symbols by which we live. Your Presidency represents a kairos for America to move from a conventional morality based around recognition of the other only within our own traditional spheres of self-definition to a post-conventional morality that embraces a broader definition of the other and extends inclusivity and integration to a worldwide point of view. Within the framework of Kohlberg's levels of moral development, this would represent a transition from the fourth to the fifth level. We have glimpsed this transition at certain historical points, but we are still a fundamentally conventional nation. With your leadership, we can become a fundamentally post-conventional nation in our morality.
You revealed that you are aware of the way in which some people in this country are scared and on the defensive by alluding to gun-toting pick-up truck drivers derogatorily in a speech in San Francisco. This showed that you know many people in this country have not yet attained the awareness necessary for making the transition to a higher level of consciousness. Unfortunately it also showed that you are susceptible to the same impatience with that fact we all are. If you promote a genuine and honest dialog based on your awareness and capacity for giving birth to new images, this can indeed be the kairos for transformation.
According to Peter Dunlap, Eric Erikson "describes how visionary leaders go through a process of 'identity' formation in which they submit their personal identities to the collective forces of their time, and, as a result, have some new piece of knowledge and leadership to bring to the world." This, he posits, is the process whereby Gandhi and Martin Luther came by their capacities for transforming the future. I am optimistic that you have gone through such a process for reasons I described above, but it also seems that you are becoming too identified with the "collective forces of the time", and have yet to integrate them as fully with your personal identity and the moral probity thereof as you might. By stepping out of the fear of strangeness that has characterized some decisions in your Presidency so far, you could enhance our nation's collective capacity for destiny.
The window for implementing this kind of change is still very much open. Ian Bremmer, noted scholar of international politics, recently stated on a Planet Money podcast that "There is no Obama Doctrine," right now. Observers of the international political scene are unsure of how you would react to a new situation arising in that realm, what principles you would apply. By taking this opportunity to lay out a foreign policy that is line with the valance of generosity and care for the other that has at times characterized your domestic policy, you could simultaneously achieve two important goals. You could give assurance to such observers as Bremmer that, indeed your reactions will be based on coherent principles. At the same time you could help to give birth to the highest ideals of our nation's vision for achieving a more peaceful world. You have the intellectual and emotional foundation for such steps within you, as you showed in writing about nuclear disarmament as an undergrad at Columbia. Now the stage is yours, and bold, decisive leadership could deliver the goals that you and I have long envisioned.
You can help make the necessary process of transformation more explicit for the American people by having an honest, trusting dialog about the areas in which we need to grow. When it comes time to make the case for a public option in the health care reform bill this fall, do so based on an ethos of generosity and caring for the other. You will help Americans to have faith in the images within them of a world based on those important and necessary values. It will give progressives footing on which to establish a new generation of confident and successful politicians and policies. My Facebook account is littered every day with postings about necessary health care reforms from friends in their 20's. They would erupt with passion and joy if you were to give them a moral basis and argument for implementing such changes because it is a way in which we can live up to our highest ideals as progressives. Thank-you again for all your courage and humility up to this point in your Presidency. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on what the smithy of America's soul has created for its uncreated future.
Many blessings,
Bucky Rogers
Labels: Dunlap, equinimity, Erikson, humility, Kohlberg, moral development, Obama, patience, single-payer health care